Our careers guidance ethos
At Rokeby, we believe in offering our students as many opportunities as possible to support them in preparing for the future and the world of work. Our CEIAG – Careers Education, Information and Advice and Guidance – Policy provides the details of our offer. Our Careers Roadmap provides students and parents and carers with an overview of what our careers education provision includes.
We are committed to developing students’ aspirations and self-esteem through a varied programme of activities which includes: access to impartial information, advice & guidance; awareness of options at key transition points; work-related education and the development of key ‘soft’ skills which are embedded within the curriculum.
Further information is available from our CEIAG Lead, our Assistant Headteacher, Adil Uddin, who can be contacted via
Gatsby benchmarks
Rokeby is committed to The Gatsby Benchmarks through a well-planned careers programme suitable for all students’ needs. The benchmarks mean that our programme includes the following elements:
A stable careers programme – At Rokeby we have a clear careers policy for all students which can be accessed by staff, parents/carers and governors.
Learning from career and labour market information – Through tutor-time activities students are able to access guidance on careers paths and labour market to make informed decisions on study options.
Addressing the needs of each pupil – By year 11 students have one to one interview with careers advisor and create an action plan.
Linking curriculum learning to careers – At Rokeby, all departments are given on guidance on linking curriculum to careers which is embedded in schemes of learning.
Encounters with employers and employees – From year 7 to 11 students take part in a variety of careers workshops involving colleges, businesses and organisations. These workshops include CV writing, interview skills, enterprise and business skills.
Experiences of workplaces – In year 10 students have the opportunity to apply for work experience.
Encounters with further and higher education – Before students leave Rokeby they have an opportunity to speak a range of colleges specialising in a variety or academic and vocational qualifications.
Personal guidance – By year 11 students have one to one interview with careers advisor and create an action plan.
Our provider access statement
The arrangements we have in place to ensure that providers of further education and technical education are able to visit our schools are summarised in our Provider Access Statement. Our statement includes reference to the Baker Clause, which requires schools to allow colleges and training providers access to students in Years 8 to 13. This access ensures that students are informed about approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships. The goal is to ensure that students are aware of all their educational and training options, not just the traditional academic routes.
Our CEIAG offer
Details of our careers programme offer, by year group, are available in the policy above.
Additional information and resources
Please click on the headings below to access a number of useful links in each area.
Below are links to local colleges and Sixth Form Centres, as well as this overview of courses for 16-18 year olds in Newham.
London Design & Engineering University Technical College
Newham College of Further Education
Newham Collegiate Sixth Form Centre
Newham Sixth Form College (NewVic)
Sir George Monoux Sixth College
St Bonaventure’s Sixth Form Centre
A guide to apprenticeships
This leaflet provides information on the opportunities, progression and benefits of doing an apprenticeship with case studies from real apprentices.
Apprenticeship Champions
This network consists of over 1000 people working in education and training across England who promote the apprenticeship brand. You can locate your nearest Champion by visiting their website.
UCAS: Post 16 Apprenticeship Information
Whilst most students associate UCAS with applying to university, UCAS also have a dedicated section to further education, including apprenticeships and traineeships. They provide a breakdown of types of apprenticeships, entry requirements and how to apply. They also include opportunities beyond intermediate apprenticeships for learners wishing to pursue a higher or degree level apprenticeship.
GOV.UK “Become an apprentice”
This page provides information on how to apply for apprenticeships using GOV.UK’s service, what to do in the event that you are unsuccessful for the apprenticeship and conditions of pay.
Not going to uni is now one of the UK’s leading websites dedicated to helping school and college leavers make informed decisions about their future by showing the opportunities that exist outside of traditional university, such as apprenticeships, sponsored degrees, diplomas, gap years, distance learning and jobs.
GetMyFirstJob provide information and apprenticeship vacancies across a variety of sectors providing opportunities to connect employers with potential apprentices. In addition, they also provide information about traineeships for those who may not yet be ready for an apprenticeship.
Click on the headings below to access the websites detailed.
A guide to 16-18 courses in Newham
An overview of the further education opportunities in the borough.
Start Profile
Start is a free, online careers platform designed to connect 11-18 year olds with their career potential.
Login: rokebystudent
Password: rokebystudent
Barclays Life Skills
Provides a tool designed to help you find out what your current skills, interests and personality traits are, then find help to develop them further to improve your employability skills.
National Careers Service
Useful information about different careers, skills required and CV writing
Real stories to inspire your career choices
Careers 4 U
Ideas, information and inspiration through video interviews with hundreds of people in the early stages of their careers.
All about careers
Take a careers test and explore different types of career
Student Ladder
Information and advice for all stages in your journey towards your career
Career planner, careers advice and information on different job sectors
Careers Gateway
Links to higher education and careers information
The Uni Guide
Choosing A-Levels – advice around choosing A’-level subjects. Scroll to the bottom and input subjects for information on university degree and job matches.
Guide BTEC qualifications
A-levels or BTECs? – information for deciding which is the best path for you.
Russell Group Informed Choices
Information on how subjects taken at sixth form or college can affect students’ options at university and later on.
Information on post-16 courses, university degrees and apprenticeship options
The Student Room
A student forum providing advice on GCSEs, revision, A-levels, university options and careers
Future Learn
Unlock your potential with unlimited short courses and earn digital certificates to boost your CV