Exam Results
Our GCSE results
The table below shows our most recent validated examination results.
Visit the Department for Education’s website for access to performance tables. Our 2024 P8 score is +0.06. This means that boys progress at Rokeby School than higher than boys nationally for the past three years. The national average for boys is -0.17.
* Attainment 8: Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications, which include English, maths, three English Baccalaureate (EBacc) qualifications (which includes the sciences, computer science, history, geography and languages), and three other additional approved qualifications.
**Progress 8 – A school’s Progress 8 score is usually between -1 and +1. A score of +1 means that pupils in that school achieve one grade higher in each qualification than other similar pupils nationally. A score of -1 means they achieve one grade lower. The average Progress 8 score of all secondary schools nationally is 0.
***This is the percentage of pupils who achieved grade4/grade 5 or above in the reformed English and maths GCSEs . Reformed GCSEs are graded 1 (low) to 9 (high). Grade 5 in the new grading is a similar level of achievement to a high grade C or low grade B in the old grading.
This GCSE Fact Sheet for Parents provides further information for parents and carers regarding GCSEs.