Attendance and Punctuality
Attendance expectations
At Rokeby, we expect all students to attend school every day and be on time. Consistent attendance is essential for students to achieve their full potential. If your son is unwell or unable to attend school for any reason, please follow the guidelines below.
Reporting absence
If your son is absent from school:
- Phone the school on the first day of absence, and on every subsequent day, to inform us why he cannot attend.
- Provide a note in your son’s planner clearly stating the dates and reason for the absence. This note must be written, dated, and signed by a parent/carer.
- Where possible, provide medical evidence, such as a doctor’s note, prescription, or appointment card, to support the absence.
Arranging appointments during school hours
We encourage all parents/carers to arrange medical or dental appointments outside of school hours. When this is unavoidable:
- Ensure that your son is out of school for the minimum amount of time necessary.
- Provide the school with a note detailing the appointment, along with any appointment card or other evidence prior to the appointment. Failure to provide such information may result in the absence being marked as unauthorised.
Poor punctuality is not acceptable at Rokeby. Students who miss the start of the day also miss their registration with their tutor and may miss vital announcements or opportunities for support.
Our school day starts at 8.30 am, and we expect students to be in school before this time. Arriving on time:
- Sets a good example and creates a positive impression.
- Contributes to personal, social, and academic development.
- Is important for achieving success in exams and assessments.
Persistent lateness will not be tolerated and will be monitored closely.
Consequences of lateness
Students who are late who will receive a ‘late’ detention at lunchtime for 30 minutes. Parents are notified via Class Charts. Punctuality is monitored regularly, and persistent lateness may lead to further consequences.
Contact information
For all attendance-related queries, including reporting absences and discussing punctuality, please contact Ms Bela Patel, Attendance and Cover Officer via
Thank you for your support in ensuring that your son attends school regularly and arrives on time, ready to learn.